Rumble's 144mm 760cc 62T FX1

Discussion in 'User's Rides and Builds' started by Rumble, June 22, 2008.

  1. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    Finally dragged my other ski out from the huge amount of crap building up in my garage...

    Made a little progress but it is really going to be a long-term project as its between full time work and part time masters..





    This ski has already been around the block unbeknown to me Lucas and Whitesox have both owned it... Back in the days before stabs.

    Not certain whats in store yet - will probably end up just letting it sit for another year at the rate i'm already getting frustrated trying to make things fit. So far I've taken to it with an orbital and started a little glass reinforcement.
  2. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    144mm Pump Conversion and reinforcement... Progress so far..








    She's pretty tight.

    Still have a lot of glassing to do..
  3. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    Bad bro!
  4. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    Made a little more progress this week...

    Threw away that plastic shoe after it was bending and twisting making it too hard to line up... and got knoxie to take the slope off a Blowsion alloy shoe..


    Epoxy on all the exposed fibreglass / foam to water proof..


    Fiberglass for strength / cover / fill..


    Carbon to build up the mounts to the right heights..

  5. Rumble

    Rumble Member



    Having a few (major) issues fitting the pump under the rideplate... About 8-10mm to go.

    Still have to cut a new mount for the steering cable, machine down the pump shoe ~7mm and tap a thread for the rideplate... But that should be easy in comparison.

    But the pump is in! Lines up pretty well - a couple of mm out at the end of the shaft, should take up in the adjustment of the front mounts tho.

    Finished the layer of chopped thread glass for reinforcement, got some CF for over top.
  6. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    how do you mean fitting the ride plate over top of the pump? looks like its fitting there?
  7. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    No pump in that pic :lol:

    Anyone got a stock FX1 plate laying around they don't want anymore??
  8. me and my grinder would get that pump fitting under the rideplate
  9. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    I think you will find you would need a hole where the plate goes..
  10. whoa real tight fit then.. you could mill the ribs off the bottom of the pump maybe
  11. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    Have done.. and shelled out the ride plate!
  12. Rumble

    Rumble Member



    Got a new rideplate... Now it all fits! Just need to drop the shoe ~5mm and sort out the steering cable..

    Next step is finish the hull, and start my engine..
  13. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    sweet man cant wait to watch you go and wreck this thing!
  14. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    and paint it matt black!!
  15. thornton

    thornton Member

    hey mate see that the plate fits alright?
  16. Rumble

    Rumble Member


    Need to sort out some better photos... but did some CF reinforcing overtop of chopped strand glass.

    In the future I would go down the path of Captn and use glass or possibly even try Kevlar - I think CF has too much flex to provide reinforcement.

    CF does look the best tho!
  17. That looks awsome! good work
  18. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    A bit more progress - had a few things slow me down too...


    Tubbies arrived, but ain't quite on yet..


    Footholds half in, need finishing..


    Started getting my motor bits ready but still not quite sure what I am using.




    Got my hands on quite a fresh 760



    And a 5 mil stroker - which I might end up selling again
  19. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    And twin SBN 46's with Protec Manifold

  20. Rumble

    Rumble Member


    Paintjob by Lucas, graphics to come.. Have gone for 760cc and hope the 144mm pump fits!