Make sure you watch Campbell live tonight as our good friend Flanagan is on T.V whining about some Maoris dumping a house on his section haha, I hope you plugged the Freeride event Flan.
Anyone watch "Family Guy" this guy is a dead ringer for....
Hahahaha. Gold. Herbert Flannigan the Port Pervert. I now see where you get your ability to give women that "glad-eye" your famous for Flan.
$300 bux and 15 mins with my digger and Ill turn that place from a house to a bonfire pile for ya Flan 8)
After watching this vid again the local iwi guy at 4:43 starts explaining exactly what happened then stopped himself as he was revealing too much and just says its a mystery really! He knew exactly who it belonged to. Mate, if its still there stick it on trademe for 1$ reserve. Even buildings that shit seem to be worth a buck or two on trademe.
It was gone by Saturday - they all knew what was going on the lying bastards! Apparently they left a lot of crap behind though, so there might still be enough to make a bonfire