Drone killer makes morning TV in US

Discussion in 'Pics & Videos' started by knoxie, March 10, 2016.

  1. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

  2. dickwebb

    dickwebb Active Member

    How good is this!!! Also made a bunch of US tech/gadget websites as well...


    http://petapixel.com/2016/03/08/jet...feed&utm_campaign=Feed: PetaPixel (PetaPixel)




    If you're not on social media you probably won't realise the scale of this. Guy Mac (our videographer) released the drone smash part of the clip and its gone over 1 million views world wide. Now all these sites are link back to the FoF video. Its massive for the sport. Kiwis putting freeride on the map worldwide... Yeow!!!!!
    DanW, blueii, LiquidFix and 3 others like this.