Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ScottyRocker, January 15, 2009.

  1. ScottyRocker

    ScottyRocker Member

    Now can anyone here do the Wango Tango!!! :lol: towards the end of the vid

    Please film and put on you tube, one of you guys up north should give it a try. In between your back flips and rolls
  2. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    wtf? if only our local fx1 rider could spin around in the tray and ride on!
  3. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    fuck that c*nt barely fits in the tray haha
  4. Tim

    Tim Member

    Briliant white box!!!!!!!!
  5. ScottyRocker

    ScottyRocker Member

    Im putting down the challenge for you boys up north :twisted:
    Do the Wango Tango!
  6. Tim

    Tim Member

    I don't know about the wango tango I can barley stand in the tray let alone on the side of the ski and dance (my wife will tell you that I shouldn't do that either). but those log rolls look like the only sort of roll I could attempt!