Superjet or Blaster 1 can't decide hellp

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jetleigh, January 13, 2012.

  1. jetleigh

    jetleigh Member

    Hey guys how you all doing.

    Well like it says I can't decide which I will have more fun on :? . I have ridden a superjet a few times thanks to the good fellas on here :D but have never ridden a baster and quit like the look of them. I must say they look like a lot of fun.

    What can ya tell me do any of you have both?
    What do you like about one more than the other?

    Cheers guys
  2. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    Just get a superjet...Then when you can afford get a blaster1 as well...You will enjoy both but will like the superjet more.
  3. jetleigh

    jetleigh Member

    Thanks tofa so you recon I will like the superjet more?
  4. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    Unless you sit to pee of course you will like the superjet more...Any old homo can ride a sit down but it takes skills and balls to ride a stand up!
  5. T Bear

    T Bear Active Member

    stop calling norm an old homo
  6. I reckon a blaster is good to get used surf riding - less to think about until you get used to riding in waves, but give it a couple of months and you'll want a superjet (or both)...
  7. Flan

    Flan Well-Known Member

    Hi, I have both and to be honest the blaster just sits in the garage and gets started once a week. I do prefer my superjet.
  8. Sickboi

    Sickboi Member

    Cool kids ride superjets! and they are accepted in the community.
  9. DanW

    DanW Member

    Wasted heaps of time on blasters they are fun but once I got a superjet the blaster was just wasting space in my shed.
  10. jetleigh

    jetleigh Member

    Thanks for all the input. So what gets you so hooked on the SJ I know pulling rolls and back flips rock but can you turn like on a blaster and get really low down to the water on turns. Once you know how to ride it of course.
  11. T Bear

    T Bear Active Member

    dude just come out one day

    borrow a ski NORMS see what they all mean

    hey paula i hated our blaster in the surf cause your center of gravity is so high then i am such a fat bastard gettin back on was an arse