SJ ignition wiring

Discussion in 'Tech Discussion' started by steve K-B, January 8, 2009.

  1. steve K-B

    steve K-B Member

    Hey all,

    I want to replace the wiring harness from every thing behind the front cover (charge, pulser and lighting coil) to the electrical box.
    I haven't ventured behind the cover yet but does any one know if its a simple soldering job? or is it much like the CDI's that have had all the electrics glued in? It looks like you can order the wiring harness separate from yamaha so im assuming its possible...?

  2. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

    how come you want to do that?? are the wires damaged??

    the electrical box end has bullet connectors and the other end is all soldered to coils etc i think...

    heres an electrical diagram incase you need it :)

  3. steve K-B

    steve K-B Member

    Cheers Knoxie, yeah the wires have been hot enough to melt some of the plastic off so the wire is starting to corrode. The skis working fine at the moment but its just a matenance thing. Thanks for the diagram 8) , I managed to get a worshop manual off FreeStylin_SJ so have found that bloody handy!! Thanks Mat.
  4. blitza

    blitza Member

    I've done it, with tinned wires, I even put a plug in the circut, much to parker's discust! soldered the wires to the pickup coils, and got utilux type crimp bullets for inside the electrical box
  5. steve K-B

    steve K-B Member

    Sweet as, thats what I wanted to hear! thanks
  6. Redtro

    Redtro Member

    ...yeah it's an easy solder job