rickter 845

Discussion in 'User's Rides and Builds' started by Fishman, January 25, 2012.

  1. Fishman

    Fishman Member

    Hey Guy's,
    Just fitted Group-K 845 big bore in the Rickter. Not as pretty as the 701 it replaces but man this thing pulls! Very linear power and easy to ride.
    Big ups to Roger of Jetworks, dropped it in and it fires up instantly with no primer and runs like a train.Thanks Roger, great build quality and wicked presentation. Just need to sort the wear ring and prop(spinning off the bottom) and it's job done.

  2. DanW

    DanW Member

    Spins everywhere but the ski and engine both feel awesome thanks for the test steve I left impressed with the setup get that pump sorted and get out there or even better get out over here so I can ride it again! :)
  3. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    No excuses now then
  4. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

    Nice!, I hear these make real good power!, what prop you got in there?
  5. Fishman

    Fishman Member


    At the moment I'm running a standard Blaster 1 prop so you can imagine how thats going. Got a Solas 12/18 freeride organised from Roger.