
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by swampy, April 21, 2010.

  1. swampy

    swampy Member

    how many of the 310 members are active on here? coz a few of them were spamer ect.just thinking how many real members are still on this good to see the real number. :shock:
  2. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    knoxie should have the stats sheet for the website im not sure if it records whos coming and going tho? But if it does it would only make a record of members who actually logged in and I get the feeling most people just browse as guests.
  3. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

    stats is for the website .not the forum..

    just looking at them now.......3.5million hit for last 12months .woot! :D
  4. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    3.2 million was just Tofa
  5. blueii

    blueii Member

    Lol - this from the guy with 7.8% of the total posts on the forum :)
  6. swampy

    swampy Member
