
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by sideshow, March 4, 2011.

  1. sideshow

    sideshow New Member

    hey people jst after a bit of info about backflips,hit the surf 2 nite on da gd old superjet tryed my first couple of flips ,got half way rnd then gravity got a hold of me,is it about wave timing,when ya hit da wave do ur hve 2 pull the shit out of da pole bk or what!!!!!!!!or jst hit it and throw da body or does practice make perfect!!!!
  2. Rickster

    Rickster Member

    It's all about spelling and punctuation, so stay on da beach!!!

  3. B0000M

    B0000M Member

    theres some tutorials on xh20, and heaps of hints, however when you see it up close in person it somehow shows so much more than a tutorial or video will. but i reckon read a tutorial, then watch some live before you cock it up and break yourself and or ski.

    also backflips are apparently really hard on engine mounts, hulls and poles ay sox :D
  4. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    If the wave is 4 foot or smaller you need to pull on the bars but if its bigger then you just drive up and let the wave push you, you need to hit it as it is breaking, backflips are not hard on your ski or mounts at all.
  5. Sickboi

    Sickboi Member

    I 2nd what norm says,the only damage that i have done so far is to the peak on my helmet from under rotation, despite how the slams might look they dont hurt!