There is a small group of us going to Whangamata in the morning to ride at secret spot all are welcome to join meet at the main estuary ramp around 11am the report looks good if you need more info give me a call 0211849797 sox.
Not a bad ride today we got the tides wrong so most of the waves were breaking pretty close in. High flyer had some battery carnage after landing on his head lol
Wow that looks like a nice spot to ride. When doing tricks like that is it best to hold on and let the ski push you into the water or let go when it goes wrong.
Its best to hold on apperently but I cant I just drop nuts and bail and get stuck in the footholds on the way bit my tounge like that yesterday must have been screaming like a girl haha
Last time I was riding at secret spot I let go of the pole and broke my ankle. Admittedly there were extenuating circumstances like shithouse foot straps, but if I'd hung onto the pole I wouldn't still be rehabbing my ankle. Sweet backflop Craig... although by the look of the last photo it was slightly over-rotated
Looks like its going to hurt trying to learn these tricks 8) Once I have learnt to ride first. Nothing good is easy as they say