Mats SJ

Discussion in 'User's Rides and Builds' started by FreeStylin_SJ, November 7, 2007.

  1. FreeStylin_SJ

    FreeStylin_SJ Member

    Its working out really well so far. Ive only had the ski in the surf once and it had held up perfectly fine. I have also done a whole lot of flatwater stabs and it is still fine.
  2. rickyfk

    rickyfk Member

    Hey Chris could I get you to do the turf & foothold on my ski?
  3. FreeStylin_SJ

    FreeStylin_SJ Member

    you might want to PM whale, you will get a faster a response. Im sure he will do your ski.
  4. Whale

    Whale Member

    My phone number is 021 299 1399
    Chris Hale
  5. Whale

    Whale Member

  6. FreeStylin_SJ

    FreeStylin_SJ Member

    Just turfed my chin pad...



  7. josh

    josh Member

    nice pole turf. I like the black on black.
  8. did you just turf the standard plastic bit? What did you put under the turf?
  9. FreeStylin_SJ

    FreeStylin_SJ Member

    Yeah just turfed the stock shell, I used a sheet of 4mm foam under the turf
  10. yeah thats what i done too, had no big enough turf pieces at the time tho