Well, I bought a cheap 750, but after a short while found the hull had a huge crack going along the front bond line and up the top of the nose.... .....It was cheaper to buy a better hull than to get it repaired, here is the new one, just needs a couple of Fibre repairs and then painting.... And here is the shortened pole beside the old pole, new pole courtesy of Wingie ..... ....And here is the engine, pretty much standard, am going to have the head shaved and advance the timing, but first the hull needs to be finished. [/img]
Nice work man, looks like you have a bit of a job ahead of ya! Good Luck, be cool to see the finished product!
Excellent dude this is what we want to see more of! How much shorter did you go with the pole? looks way shorter ay! Capt. Dalusion.
the pole is 2inches shorter i was doing it for my 750 sx but didnt get round to finishing it so i gave it to digger and ill try it on his and see wot its like . might cut mine down shorter again yet
looks like you have some work on your hands mate. a little each night and you will be back in the water in no time.
Just finished the glassing on the bottom (thanks Wingie). There were a couple of scrapes and also wanted to make it a bit stronger. A layer of glass on the bottom and some cool fibreglass powder that looks like cocaine :lol: over top. All ready for sanding on the weekend. I am hoping to get all of the glass sanded down and some of the paint prep sanding done this weekend. Finally feel like I am getting somewhere with this
Mate, I have know idea. I was hoping to have the paint started a couple of weeks ago but shit hit the fan at home so I just have to get motivated to get back into it :?
i spose im not helping geting your ski done either by letting you ride mine , thats it no more im cutting you off lol :lol: :twisted: :wink:
Finally am getting somewhere, all sanded and ready for the painter. Just got the cusions back today and they are looking mint... [/img]