Blaster reinforcing

Discussion in 'Tech Discussion' started by bluebeard, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. bluebeard

    bluebeard Guest

    Hi all,

    Just after some advice as to what/where to reinforce a blaster hull. And maybe also what products to use?

    I want to do it once, do it right.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. -Sparx-

    -Sparx- New Member

  3. bluebeard

    bluebeard Guest

    Good man, thanks for that!
  4. T Bear

    T Bear Active Member

    Gorit in albany is the company to get all your products from, tell them what thet are doing and they will give you advice on products
  5. bluebeard

    bluebeard Guest

    Gorit? I cant seem to find it using google.... I found a company called Gurit but they don't seem to have a "shop"in Albany?
  6. T Bear

    T Bear Active Member

    Sorry dude
    Gurit (asia pacific) limited
    11 john glenn ave
  7. bluebeard

    bluebeard Guest

    Good man! thanks a heap