Yamaha fx1 1995 mods

Discussion in 'Tech Discussion' started by Jared Bradley, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. Jared Bradley

    Jared Bradley New Member

    hey lads I've got a 1995 Yamaha fx1 and I'm wanting more performance from my stock ski, what sort of mods are common on these models ?
  2. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

    pretty much same sort of stuff as a superjet , generally the first mods are, aftermarket exhaust (most commonly a B-Pipe exhaust), MSD enhancer CDI , up the compression (skim head or aftermarket head). they will give you decent gains
  3. NickM

    NickM Member

    While we're on the topic, whats the go with that hybrid 61x/62t engine? Its the 62t twin carb bottom end, with the 61x barrels right? Anyone know if they go good, or is it just internet BS?
  4. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

    thats not a hybrid, what you are referring to is a normal twincarb superjet / blaster1 engine.

    650 = 6m6 cylinder , 6m6 cases
    701 single carb = 61x cylinder , 61x cases
    701 twin carb (superjet/blaster1) = 61x cylinder , 62t cases
    701 twin carb (raider etc) = 62t cylinder , 62t cases
    760 twin carb (blaster2 , gp760 etc) = 64x cylinder (still marked as 62t on the casting) , 62t cases

    the 61x cylinder has lower port timing , makes it more snappy down low. 62t cylinder has bit higher port timing, better for mid / top