new guy and vid

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by thrasher, Dec 3, 2011.

  1. thrasher

    thrasher New Member

    hey guys- new to the boards..

    pretty killer forum you have, its about time I stumbled across it..

    my son and I have been in the sport just a couple years and have really taken to it.

    this is the latest video I put together.. hope you like


    sorry for the link, tried to embed this with no luck.
  2. Flan

    Flan Well-Known Member

    Bloody great video. Nice ski as well..Tayne who :lol:
  3. T Bear

    T Bear Active Member

    hmmmmmmmmmmmm iwsh we had more time and money

    shame you guys all bag the guys you ride with

    im russian
  4. Flan

    Flan Well-Known Member

    Just taking the piss Terry. Tayne is twice the rider I will ever be.
  5. Face

    Face Member

    man flan you made dad super grumpy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :evil:
    were goin ride as much surf as we can as soon as i am on holidays
  6. Sickboi

    Sickboi Member

    let me be the first to say welcome to dalusion, what does young christan think of the bob hull is it gen 1 or 2?
  7. thrasher

    thrasher New Member

    thx flan, glad you dig it, was a nightmare for me to put together.. there is actually a longer one that is 12 minutes.

    t bear, we welcome all riders, truly the rippinest family of people in all of the sports Ive been involved.

    thx sickboi, its a gen 2 and a world of difference compared to the gen 1. Im 6'0" and 200lbs and I can ride it somewhat comfortably. Wider bondline, larger intake, but the pump being set back is really what has helped this boat. Big plans in the works for future development, too :mrgreen:. What I dig is that these guys (literally two of them popping out all these hulls and tracking for 65 this year) are all passion, all about seeing the sport progress, and arent afraid to truly listen to riders to provide the best possible product at a damn reasonable price. Granted this hull is not for everyone as everyone has their own flavor and I totally respect that. But I wouldn't be surprised to see myself riding one full time in the near future with how fast they have been implementing new changes.
  8. Sickboi

    Sickboi Member

    Hey thrasher in your opinion is the gen 2 more of a flat water hull or free-ride? ive got a mate looking at buying one as a lake setup because of the reasonable price?

    In before teamAH, sickboi's gay or hero parade homo nuts sum shit...
  9. thrasher

    thrasher New Member

    it was designed primarily for flatwater and performs to its name very well. its the same hull DK jr won the amateur freestyle on at world finals this year.